Herodotus book 7 thermopylae today

Herodotus histories and its reliability the johns hopkins. We learn of many cultural norms of the bce era to which this book covers. The main source for the battle of 480 is herodotus, histories, 7. Ramsey parra llrn 151 01 300 scholars, artists, authors, and filmmakers in recent years have been interested in herodotus s depiction of the battle of thermopylae, creating several different versions and interpretations of the story across multiple forms of media. Creation, by gore vidal, interpreting many scenes from the persian viewpoint. The heroic battles near athens at marathon 490 bce, thermopylae, salamis, and finally plataea 479 bce were classical greeks crowning military achievements, and herodotus was determined to record these great deeds for future generations particularly in view of the ignominious and disastrous peloponnesian wars that followed. Simonides, ephorus, and herodotus on the battle of thermopylae. By and large, the battle of thermopylae from herodotus the histories was an extremely notable and remarkable battle for the history of the west, as well as the world. He now came to thermopylae with the appointed three hundred he had selected, all of whom had sons. Where would we be today without the recorded history of herodotus. Cavaignac believes it is actually the eclipse of 2 october and xerxes was starting out, not from sardis, but from therma. Herodotus excerpts from book vii of the histories translated.

This rests on an interpretation of herodotus which states he was a purposeful, subtle historian, one which i agree with. The greek army at thermopylae is very small compared to the over five million herodotus counts among the persians. In fact, herodotus account of the battle, in book vii of his histories, is such an important source that paul cartledge wrote. Herodotus seventh book brings together many of the strands developed in previous books of hubris, greek development and the clash of civilizations. In his narrative about the battle, herodotus tells more about the topography of thermopylae, which was a narrow strip of land between the mountains and the sea, fortified with an ancient wall parallel along the road, which was excavated in 1939. So far xerxes fleet had not suffered any military losses 7. Both passages discuss the importance of nomos translated as both custom and law.

It can be assigned as homework or as a classroom exercise in which students. Herodotus was a greek writer and geographer credited with being the first historian. The battle of thermopylae the histories of herodotus excerpt. The spartans had killed some envoys from xerxes who were offering a. To the rest of the peloponnesians then it seemed best that they should go to the peloponnese and hold the isthmus in guard. I cannot describe the feelings that came in front of this unique sight of hellas everyone knows about king leonidas and the 300 men but if you visit the battle area you will realise how huge this was. Herodotus and the dating of the battle of thermopylae. Nov 30, 2017 the british title for this book, the year of thermopylae london, 1980, is much more descriptive since the book covers events leading up to and including thermopylae. After three days resisting the much larger persian army of xerxes i, greek forces were betrayed by ephialtes and sent into retreat by their leader, leonidas, who died during a final stand.

Battle of thermopylae date, location, and facts britannica. Named polymnia after the greek muse of sacred poetry. Quite a few comments have been posted about the history of herodotus. He would have been able to ask the survivors of the battle directly, or speak to others who had done so when he was too young. In the runup to the persian invasion of 480 the spartans considered how they might try to persuade xerxes to abandon it. Strangely enough, its a book of historical fiction. This expedition against athens threatened all of greece. Dec 05, 2015 the battle of thermopylae was the initial engagement between the persian empire and the confederation of greek citystates led by sparta during the second persian invasion of greece in 480 bc. The internet classics archive the history of herodotus. Compare herodotus anecdote about greek and indian funeral customs at 3. Darius last days herodotus opens with the failure of darius to comprehend his.

The main event of book seven, of course, is the battle of thermopylae, during which an elite force of 300 spartans, accompanied by thespians fighting voluntarily and thebans fighting involuntarily, hold off the mighty persian army at a narrow coastal pass just south of thessaly on the greek mainland. Some submitted to persia thinking they wouldnt get hurt. In their excellent recent scholarly commentary on herodotus book 9 flower and marincola eds 2002 deal fully with his account of plataea, which sealed the greeks victory over the invading persians. Now xerxes was at first by no means eager to march against hellas. Explore the site of a battle at thermopylae, described by herodotus, and the subject of two 21st century movies. Herodotus was able to write this account of the grecopersian wars by traveling throughout greece and asia minor. In any case, it is doubtful whether any fifthcentury historical writer either published before herodotus or gave a detailed narrative of the persian wars. Although herodotus account is all that has come down to us, the story would certainly have been a part of the oral tradition of the people of. What purpose does each account serve in its context what point is herodotus trying to make by including it. We have therefore to add to the sum already reached an exactly equal amount. Thermopylae was a very narrow pass that would prevent the persians from using their cavalry in battle.

The invasion of europe by xerxes and his army redefined culture, kingdom, and class. Herodotus the histories, book 7, polymnia 8239 battle of. Jun 22, 2016 book seven of the histories of herodotus. How herodotus might have come to know about the battle of. Despite herodotus s historical significance, little is known about his personal life. Herodotus s depiction of the battle of thermopylae bartleby. He now came to thermopylae, with a picked force of the customary three hundred,19. The emphasis on storytelling in the battles of herodotus. This provided herodotus with an occasion to once more take stock of the persian forces 7. This 147page guide for histories by herodotus includes detailed chapter summaries and analysis covering 9 chapters, as well as several more indepth sections of expertwritten literary analysis.

He was acclaimed the bravest of all the greeks who fought in that battle. Already in antiquity, people criticized herodotus for this error. And in thermopylae, renowned classical historian paul cartledge looks anew this historyaltering moment and, most impressively, shows how its repercussions have bearing on us even today. However i will not reckon them as either fewer or more, but take them at an equal number. The activity itself engages students in attentive reading of key passages from book 7 of herodotus histories 7. There are two ugly modern monuments at thermopylae one for the spartans and one for the thespians. Herodotus and the 300 at thermopylae 221 is on the march, which likewise lists a great number of peoples, but also includes some description of the peoples themselves, especially the armament they carry.

The history of herodotus by herodotus written 440 b. Ever since plutarch put the knife in with his meanspirited book the malice of herodotus. The extent of the greeks geographical knowledge of the world can be reconstructed from considering regions and places mentioned by contemporary authors. Understand how the geography of the area has changed, and consider how the retelling of stories leads to the writing of history. The battle at thermopylae first, a word about the badasses from sparta and athens. Herodotus the histories, book 7, polymnia 8239 battle of thermopylae. Remember that herodotus was born c 484 bce, and the battle of thermopylae was fought in 480 bce, just a few years later. The internet classics archive the history of herodotus by. This chapter outlines the epic backdrop to the battle of thermopylae, and includes a catalogue of epic echoes throughout herodotus book 7 as well as a detailed discussion of herodotus battle narrative. The battle of thermopylae from herodotus the histories essay. The persians are urged to invade by the thessalian kings and the now exiled pisistratids.

On at least one key detail herodotus informants were sound. Ramsey parra llrn 151 01 300 scholars, artists, authors, and filmmakers in recent years have been interested in herodotuss depiction of the battle of thermopylae, creating several different versions and interpretations of the story across multiple forms of media. The battle of thermopylae from herodotus the histories. Gyges, ardys, sadyattes ii, alyattes and finally, his son croesus who we look at in some detail. Even as herodotus sometimes offers more than one version of events, his own perspectives and views are clearly the ones that guide his narrative.

Herodotus counts by generations, for example the kings of the mermnads dynasty, ruling from c. Part of a complete english translation of herodotus. His goal no longer is the punishment of athens, but the subjugation of europe. While they all knew it was coming, they didnt see it in the same way. His accounts were instrumental in this book and for the history of the spartan 300. Today we conclude our reading of the history of herodotus with selections from book 7. Summary of and commentary on herodotus histories, book 7. The name of it is gates of fire written by steven pressfield. Polymnia now when tidings of the battle that had been fought at marathon reached the ears of king darius, the son of hystaspes, his anger against the athenians, which had been already roused by their attack upon sardis, waxed still fiercer, and he became more than ever eager to lead an army against greece. Having stated this at the beginning of the twentysecond logos, herodotus feels compelled to express an opinion which he knows to be unpopular.

On the battle of thermopylae itself, two principal sources, herodotus and simonides accounts, survive. This place is called thermopylae by most of the hellenes, but by the natives and. Book seven herodotus seventh book brings together many of the strands developed in previous books of hubris, greek development and the clash of civilizations. That their mission was suicidal selfsacrifice is supported further by another story in herodotus book 7, recounted, significantly, not long before he tells the story of thermopylae. The battle of thermopylae was the initial engagement between the persian empire and the confederation of greek citystates led by sparta during.

I know this book is fiction, but it is on the usmc commandants reading list, is taught to the corps of cadets at west point, annapo. Herodotus states that an eclipse occurred at salamis, in 480, when xerxes began his march 7. The quarrel over succession by two of darius sons, artabazanes and xerxes 2. Supersummary, a modern alternative to sparknotes and cliffsnotes, offers highquality study guides for challenging works of literature. This will give 5,283,220 as the whole number of men brought by xerxes, the son of darius, as far as sepias and thermopylae. A commentary of similar quality on book 7, the thermopylae book, would be well received. He seems to have travelled widely throughout the mediterranean world, including egypt, africa, the area around the black sea and throughout many greek citystates, of both the mainland and the islands. There was also the battle of thermopylae which is the basis of the extremely historically accurate 2006 movie 300. Summary of and commentary on herodotus histories, book 7, 2015 your bibliography.

Thoughts on book seven of the histories of herodotus first. The battle of thermopylae was fought in central greece at the mountain pass of thermopylae in 480 bce during the persian wars. Here we get the most bodacious recount of the battle of thermopylae and the noble 300 spartans who. Herodotus excerpts from book vii of the histories translated and. There was also the battle of thermopylae which is the basis of. His histories primarily deals with the lives of croesus, cyrus, cambyses, smerdis, darius, and xerxes and the battles of marathon, thermopylae, artemisium, salamis, plataea, and mycale. Gates of fire, by stephen pressfield, has the battle of thermopylae book vii as its centrepiece. The actual content of the book is beyond both the scope of this column and my patience, so here is an extremely abridged summary. Often the persians and their allies outnumber, sometimes vastly, the greeks, such as at thermopylae where 5 million persians herodotus, 7. Herodotus s depiction of the battle of thermopylae 1278 words 6 pages. Here we get the most bodacious recount of the battle of thermopylae and the noble 300 spartans who fought and died alongside leonidas at the. Histories book 7 the battle of thermopylae summary. The battle of thermopylae the histories of herodotus. Herodotus s depiction of the battle of thermopylae 1278 words 6 pages ramsey parra llrn 151 01 300 scholars, artists, authors, and filmmakers in recent years have been interested in herodotus s depiction of the battle of thermopylae, creating several different versions and interpretations of the story across multiple forms of media.

Fowler, herodotus and his contemporaries, jhs 116 1996, 6287, who maintains, against jacoby, that some of the socalled local historians were known to herodotus. Dec 15, 2003 the greeks took up their defensive positions at the pass of thermopylae and cape artemisium 7. Herodotus excerpts from book vii of the histories translated and edited by a. King xerxes lay encamped in trachis in malis and the hellenes in the pass. Today, it is hard to imagine that the sea once reached as far inland as the modern road cf. He was born around 490 bc in halicarnassus, on the southwest coast of asia minor. The battle for the west is one of those greatly accessible, pleasantly reading, and yet academically meaty history books.

Herodotus magnificent writing have vividly explained one of the most exceptional battles, in addition to showing the world the incredible greek society, and the ever so. This place is called thermopylae by most of the hellenes, but by the natives and their neighbors pylae. Thoughts on book seven of the histories of herodotus. Talthybios 1 darius xerxes precursor once sent men to demand submission from the athenians and spartans but they killed his men. The roster of the greek contingents at thermopylae 20. A military historian, bradford makes sense of the complicated maneuvers and does a very thorough background on all components of the battle, from the three rows of trireme rowers to an analysis of the less than treachery of. Featured content includes commentary on major characters. His nine book history of the persian wars is gossipy. Herodotus may still be in print, but his journey through the centuries has not always been plain sailing. He well uses both modern and ancient sources to tell the story not just of the battle of thermopylae, but also of the whole war in which it took place. Pharaoh, by boleslaw prus, incorporating the labyrinth scenes inspired by herodotus description in book ii of the histories. Sparta was a military citystate with two kings that claimed to be the descendent of the demigod hercules. Whats the best book youve read on the battle of thermopylae. Nominally, xerxes expedition was directed against athens, but its real objective was the conquest of the whole of greece.